15 Used Compare Save Compare Save 2015 Nissan Juke 1.5 RX SUV - TDP MULAI 5 JUTA BERGARANSI MESIN DAN TRANSMISI 🔥 TDP Mulai 5 Juta 🔥 Siapa Cepat Dia Dapat, Karena Mobil Kita Fast Moving 🔥 Data ... Rp 119.000.000 Trusted Dealer This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp Featured 125 - 130K KM Automatic DKI Jakarta Dealer This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp
18 Used Compare Save Compare Save 2015 Nissan Juke 1.5 RX SUV ** Harga Iklan adalah Harga Kredit khusus Paket Kredit TDP Minim atau DP 10% - 15% Tenor ... Rp 125.000.000 Trusted Dealer This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp Featured 125 - 130K KM Automatic DKI Jakarta Dealer This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp
18 Used Compare Save Compare Save 2015 Nissan Juke 1.5 RX SUV - TDP 10 JUTA ** Harga Iklan adalah Harga Kredit khusus Paket Kredit TDP Minim atau DP 10% - 15% Tenor ... Rp 122.000.000 Trusted Dealer This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp Featured 125 - 130K KM Automatic DKI Jakarta Dealer This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp
18 Used Compare Save Compare Save 2015 Nissan Juke 1.5 RX SUV - TDP 10 JUTA ** Harga Iklan adalah Harga Kredit khusus Paket Kredit TDP Minim atau DP 10% - 15% Tenor ... Rp 122.000.000 Trusted Dealer This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp Featured 125 - 130K KM Automatic DKI Jakarta Dealer This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp
12 Used Compare Save Compare Save 2011 Nissan Juke 1.5 RX SUV - AT Juke RX Matic thn 2011..nopol AG Nganjuk..Minus Pajak mati 1thn bln 12/2023..113jt nego Rp 113.000.000 Trusted Dealer This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp Featured 145 - 150K KM Automatic Jawa Timur Sales Agent This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp
18 Used Compare Save Compare Save 2015 Nissan Juke 1.5 RX SUV ---Mobil Langsung Siap Pakai Dan Terawat--- ⭐ TDP Mulai 5 Juta ⭐ Data Dibantu Sampai ... Rp 145.000.000 Trusted Dealer This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp Featured 125 - 130K KM Automatic DKI Jakarta Dealer This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp
7 Used Compare Save Compare Save 2012 Nissan Juke 1.5 RX SUV - 1,5 Dp 8 jt *STOK TERBARU* ~ Juke RX AT 2012 Warna favorit putih ~ * Plat L surabaya * Pajak ... Rp 125.000.000 Trusted Dealer This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp Featured 117000 KM Automatic Jawa Timur Sales Agent This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp
16 Used Compare Save Compare Save 2014 Nissan Juke 1.5 RX SUV HARGA DIIKLAN HARGA PAKET KREDIT DP MINIM TENOR 5 TH Harga cash lngsng telp/ wa **** ... Rp 130.000.000 Trusted Dealer This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp Featured 85 - 90K KM Automatic Jawa Timur Dealer This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp
5 Used Compare Save Compare Save 2012 Nissan Juke 1.5 RX SUV - 1,5 At Pajak Baru Mobil Bekas Jawa Timur ‼️FOR SALE‼️ Nissan Juke tipe RX : -Tahun 2012 -Transmisi automatic -mesin sehat ... Rp 128.500.000 Trusted Dealer This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp Featured 1234 KM Automatic Jawa Timur Sales Agent This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp
14 Used Compare Save Compare Save 2014 Nissan Juke 1.5 RX SUV - (istimewa) * Dijual Cepat : Nissan Juke RX At 2014. * Warna: Putih. * Nopol : W. * Kondisi : ... Rp 141.500.000 Trusted Dealer This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp Featured 85 - 90K KM Automatic Jawa Timur Dealer This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp
18 Used Compare Save Compare Save 2012 Nissan Juke 1.5 RX SUV Nissan Juke RX AT 2012 Putih Metalik - Jaminan bebas nabrak dan banjir - Mesin ... Rp 115.000.000 Trusted Dealer This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp Featured 153000 KM Automatic DKI Jakarta Dealer This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp
6 Used Compare Save Compare Save 2011 Nissan Juke 1.5 RX SUV - Keyless Engine Start Stop B DKI Pjk SEPT 2025 Rawatan ATPM Body Mulus Interior Orsinil Tidak Ada PR Siap Dipakai Luar Kota Nissan Juke Type RX Type Tertinggi Keyless , Engine Start / Stop .Plat B DKI GANJIL Pajak ... Rp 115.000.000 Trusted Dealer This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp Featured 100 - 105K KM Automatic DKI Jakarta Dealer This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp
10 Used Compare Save Compare Save 2014 Nissan Juke 1.5 RX SUV JUAL BELI MOBIL BEKAS BERKUALITAS,BERGARANSI & TERPERCAYA. Ready Stock; NISSAN JUKE ... Rp 135.000.000 Trusted Dealer This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp Featured 75 - 80K KM Automatic Jawa Timur Dealer This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp
18 Used Compare Save Compare Save 2012 Nissan Juke 1.5 RX SUV Nissan Juke RX AT 2012 Putih Metalik - Jaminan bebas nabrak dan banjir - Mesin ... Rp 115.000.000 Trusted Dealer This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp Featured 153000 KM Automatic DKI Jakarta Dealer This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp
17 Used Compare Save Compare Save 2012 Nissan Juke 1.5 RX SUV - ( GARANSI 1 TAHUN ) Nissan Juke RX AT 2012 Putih Metalik (AHA Gajah Mada) - Jaminan bebas nabrak dan ... Rp 115.000.000 Trusted Dealer This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp Featured 150 - 155K KM Automatic Banten Dealer This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp
9 Used Compare Save Compare Save 2012 Nissan Juke 1.5 RX SUV - AT ISTIMEWA CAT FULL ORIGINAL For Sale Nissan Juke Rx at 2012 Mobil asli W Jatim Full original cat Red interior ... Rp 129.000.000 Trusted Dealer This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp Featured 100 - 105K KM Automatic Jawa Timur Sales Agent This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp
11 Used Compare Save Compare Save 2013 Nissan Juke 1.5 RX SUV Dijual Nissan Juke RX AT 2013 Hubungi **** Plat AA AA1563AG Dokumen lengkap ... Rp 155.000.000 Trusted Dealer This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp Carsentro 70000 KM Automatic Yogyakarta Dealer This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp
7 Used Compare Save Compare Save 2012 Nissan Juke 1.5 RX SUV PUSAT MOBIL BERKUALITAS "SUNARI OKA MOBIL" CASH/KREDIT/TUKAR TAMBAH * NISSAN JUKE RX ... Rp 140.000.000 Trusted Dealer This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp Featured 105 - 110K KM Automatic Bali Dealer This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp
18 Used Compare Save Compare Save 2011 Nissan Juke 1.5 RX SUV OTR108JT TDP8JT JUKE RX AT 2012 FULLORIGINAL SEPERTIBARU GRESSSS ISTIMEWA ANTIK JARANG ... Rp 108.000.000 Trusted Dealer This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp Featured 85 - 90K KM Automatic DKI Jakarta Dealer This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp
18 Used Compare Save Compare Save 2011 Nissan Juke 1.5 RX SUV - AT PUTIH Dp 34,9 Jt No Pol Genap Hanya di SHOWROOM MOBILBAGUS GARANSI Mesin 1 s/d 3 tahun (S & K Berlaku). Cover Warranty ... Rp 119.000.000 Trusted Dealer This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp Featured 80 - 85K KM Automatic Banten Dealer This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp
9 Used Compare Save Compare Save 2012 Nissan Juke 1.5 RX SUV - Asli W Jatim Istimewa For Sale Nissan Juke Rx at 2012 Mobil asli W Jatim Full original cat Red interior ... Rp 129.000.000 Trusted Dealer This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp Featured 95 - 100K KM Automatic Jawa Timur Sales Agent This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp
20 Used Compare Save Compare Save 2013 Nissan Juke 1.5 RX SUV NISSAN JUKE (FLORAL WHITE) TYPE RX 1.5 CVT (2013) *Deskripsi: - IDR 1X9.000.000,- ... Rp 155.000.000 Trusted Dealer This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp Featured 75 - 80K KM Automatic Kalimantan Barat Dealer This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp
9 Used Compare Save Compare Save 2013 Nissan Juke 1.5 RX SUV - KM 77rbuan Matic mulus #Sebelum dtg jangan lupa hubungi Susi dulu untuk memastikan unitnya No HP diprofile yah ... Rp 130.000.000 Trusted Dealer This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp Featured 75 - 80K KM Automatic DKI Jakarta Dealer This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp
19 Used Compare Save Compare Save 2014 Nissan Juke 1.5 RX SUV - ,TDP 24jt,full record , siap pakai, bebas tabrak dan banjir, harga tertera OTR kfedit Hubungi **** Meisa Nissan Juke RX 1.5 AT 2014 PUTIH, FULL RECORD !!! * Kondisi ... Rp 135.000.000 Trusted Dealer This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp 65 - 70K KM Automatic DKI Jakarta Dealer This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp
13 Used Compare Save Compare Save 2012 Nissan Juke 1.5 RX SUV - 1,5 terawat Nissan Juke 2012 Matic Juke RX 2012 At Cash 133 jt nego Credit 125 jt Dp 21 jt, ang ... Rp 125.000.000 Trusted Dealer This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp 100000 KM Automatic Jawa Barat Dealer This 'Trusted Dealer' has a proven track record of upholding the best car selling practices certified by Carmudi.co.id Contact WhatsApp